fbpx HKIES Received Outstanding Performance Award! | 海外升學專家 - HKIES 海升國際教育服務中心 | 海外升學專家 - HKIES 海升國際教育服務中心
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HKIES Received Outstanding Performance Award!


2012 本中心 HKIES 獲由Kaplan International Colleges 頒發 Best Performing Agent 獎之後, 今年再被獲頒 Outstanding Performance Award.  謝謝 Kaplan 對我們的支持及鼓勵!

Mr Drew Newport, Regional Director of Kaplan International Colleges presented Outstanding Performance Award to HKIES Overseas Education Centre

Kaplan International Colleges 為以下大學的大學基礎班及國際大一班教學合作夥伴:

  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Bournemouth
  • University of Brighton
  • University of Glasgow
  • University of Liverpool
  • University of Nottingham Trent
  • University of the West of England Bristol
  • University of York

A little bit more about UK studies expert HKIES ...

HKIES Overseas Education Centre has more than 15 years of professional experience in assisting students who are interested in overseas studies. Besides providing UK universities rankings, we also provide professional and personalized consultation to students and parents. We aim to find the most suitable schools for students according to their interests and abilities. You are more than welcome to contact our professional overseas studies experts for any interests in UK studies, US studies, and Australia studies: UK boarding schools, UK foundation programmes, UK top up/ final year entry programmes, UK diploma/international year one programmes, UK universities, US universities, US pathways, Australia universities and more.

關於我們 - 英國升學專家

HKIES Overseas Education Centre有超過15年協助學生與海外升學的經驗,我們致力為有志出國留學的人仕提供專業及一站式服務,除了提供英國大學排名供家長參考,亦會因應學生的條件及要求提供專業意見和讀書計劃,選擇最合適的學校。不論是前往英國升學,包括英國寄宿學校 (小學及中學)、英國大學基礎班、英國大學國際文憑/大學一年級課程、英國大學、英國碩士班,還是其他海外升學,如美國大學、美國大學銜接課程、澳洲大學等都非常歡迎與我們聯絡。

Brought to you by UK Studies expert HKIES Overseas Education Centre

HKIES news / UK news  / 2016-05-10

