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UK Studies – Queen Mary University of London (Foundation)


Queen Mary University of London (倫敦大學瑪麗皇后學院) 於1885年創建,於1915年正式被吸納為University of London成員,是一所全英排名第31的學院 (The Complete University Guide 2017),亦是羅素大學集團的成員之一。大學現時就讀的學生人數超過21,000,當中約9,000名是來自115個國家的海外學生。Queen Mary University of London共有240多個學士學位課程可供選擇,當中成績較為傑出的科系包括商業、經濟、金融、管理、人文、社會科學、工程與科學、牙醫及生命科學,而Queen Mary University of London的研究實力在全英排名第9 (2014REF Rankings)。

開學日期 9月、1月
海外學生英語要求 IELTS 5.0
  • 課程類別
  •  Business, Economics, Finance and Management
  • Engineering and Sciences
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Life Sciences

*大學基礎班教學大樓設於Birkbeck University of London


Accounting and Management; Aerospace Engineering; Biochemistry; Biology; Biomedical Sciences; Business Management; Chemistry; Computer Science (and Mathematics/Multimedia); Computer Science with Business Management (and Accounting); Dental Materials; Design, Innovation and Creative Engineering; Economics; Economics and Finance/Politics; Economics, Finance and Management; Economics, Mathematics and Statistics; Electrical and Electronics Engineering; Electronic Engineering (and Telecommunications); Electronics with Music and Audio Systems; English and European Law; Environmental Science (with Business Management); Genetics; Geography (with Business Management); History and Politics; Human Geography; Information and Communications Technologies with Business Management; Information and Communications Technology; International Relations; Law; Law and Politics; Marketing and Management; Materials Science (and Engineering); Mathematics; Mathematics and/with Statistics/Business Management/Finance and Accounting; Mathematics, Business Management and Finance; Mathematics, Statistics and Financial Economics; Mechanical Engineering;  Medical Engineering; Medical Genetics; Medical Materials; Multimedia and Arts Technology; Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Politics; Politics with Business Management; Psychology; Pure Mathematics; Sustainable Energy Engineering; Sustainable Energy Engineering; Zoology

UK foundation  / UK studies / 2018-07-22

