fbpx UK Studies – Stirling University INTO 斯特靈大學 (International Year 1) | 海外升學專家 - HKIES 海升國際教育服務中心 | 海外升學專家 - HKIES 海升國際教育服務中心
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UK Studies – Stirling University INTO 斯特靈大學 (International Year 1)


Stirling University (斯特靈大學) 是一所位於蘇格蘭的公立大學,創立於1967年,在The Complete University Guide 2016中全英排名第39。Stirling University在研究方面實力雄厚,特別是在健康、環境、文化及社會、企業及經濟和體育方面丸尤其出色,研究成果亦得到國際認可。University of Stirling畢業生的就業率是全英第7,有96%的學生在畢業後獲聘或繼續升學。

開學日期 9月、1月、6月
海外學生英語要求 IELTS 5.0 – 5.5

Accounting; Animal Biology; Aquaculture; Biology and Mathematics; Biology and Psychology; Biology; Business Computing; Business Law; Business Studies; Cell Biology; Computer Science and Mathematics; Computing Science; Conservation Biology and Management; Criminology and Law; Criminology and Social Policy; Criminology and Sociology; Ecology; Economics; English Studies; Environmental Science and Mathematics; Environmental Science; Film and Media; Finance; History; Human Resource Management; Information Systems; International Politics; Journalism; Law and Marketing; Law; Management; Marine Biology; Marketing and Psychology; Marketing and Sociology; Mathematics and its Applications; Mathematics and Psychology; Philosophy; Politics; Psychology and Sociology; Psychology; Retail Marketing; Scottish History; Sociology and Social Policy; Software Engineering; Sport Studies; Sports Business Management

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UK Diploma / UK International Year 1  / 2018-07-20

