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新健康科學 (Health Science) 大學銜接課程 @University of Liverpool


對Health Science有興趣的同學們有福了!

Kaplan Liverpool International College將推出新大學銜接課程,可銜接上University of Liverpool的以下學士學位:

  • 職業治療 (Occupational Therapy)
  • 診斷放射治療 (Diagnostic Radiotherapy)
  • 視覺矯正 (Orthoptics)
  • 放射治療 (Radiotherapy)
Kaplan IC
We are excited to announce a new Foundation Certificate in Health Sciences at Liverpool International College. As a result, we can now offer progression to the following bachelor’s degrees at the University of Liverpool: • Occupational Therapy BSc (Hons) • Diagnostic Radiotherapy BSc (Hons) • Orthoptics BSc (Hons) • Radiotherapy BSc (Hons)

University of Liverpool (利物浦大學)是英國最古老的6所「紅磚大學」之一,亦是羅素大學集團的始創成員之一,在The Complete University Guide 2017中全英排名第38。University of Liverpool有多個學科都在全英排名首10名(The Complete University Guide 2017)。根據2013年High Fliers Research,University of Liverpool位列最受僱主歡迎凡大學首25位,90%畢業生在畢業後6個月內獲聘或繼續深造。

HKIES news  / UK studies / 2016-06-22

