About the Event 活動簡介
誠邀應屆 DSE 考生於 7 月 11,12 日參加 HKIES海升【英國大學聯招 2019】,抓緊更多英國大學選擇!
Date, Time & Venue 日期,時間及地點
11 & 12 / 7 / 2019 (Thu & Fri 星期四及五)
1:00pm – 5:00pm
城景國際酒店 (香港九龍窩打老道23號) 2樓水晶殿
Crystal Ballroom, 2/F, The Cityview Hotel
Transportation 交通:
港鐵 – 油麻地站 A2 出口
巴士 – 1, 1A, 2, 6, 9, 203C, 3C, 42A, 95, 20, 7, 8, 10, 1C, 208, 270A, 270C, 271
Participating UK Universities & Pathway Institutions 參展之英國大學及銜接院校
Aberystwyth University
Bangor University
Birmingham City University
University of Bristol
University of East Anglia
University of Exeter
University of Gloucestershire
University of Hull
Lancaster University
University of Law
University of Leicester
Newcastle University
Northumbria University
Oxford Brookes University
Queen's University Belfast
University of Southampton
University of Sussex
University of the West of England, Bristol
University of York
University of Aberdeen ISC
Aston University IC
Bangor University
Bath University
Birkbeck, University of London ONCAMPUS
University of Birmingham IC
University of Brighton IC
University of Bristol IC
Bournemouth University IC
BPP University
Cardiff Metropolitan University
University of Central Lancashire ONCAMPUS
City, University of London IC
City, University of London INTO
The Courtauld Institute of Art ONCAMPUS
Coventry University London ISC
Coventry University ONCAMPUS
Cranfield University IC
De Montfort University
University of Dundee
Durham University ISC
University of East Anglia INTO
University of Essex IC
University of Exeter INTO
University of Glasgow IC
Glasgow Caledonian University INTO
University of Gloucestershire INTO
Goldsmiths, University of London ONCAMPUS
University of Huddersfield ISC
University of Hull ONCAMPUS
Keele University ISC
Kingston University, London ISC
Lancaster University ISC
University of Leeds ISC
Leeds Beckett University ISC
University of Lincoln ISC
University of Liverpool IC
Liverpool John Moores University ISC
University of London (LSE-led)
London South Bank University ONCAMPUS
Loughborough University
University of Manchester INTO
Manchester Metropolitan University INTO
Middlesex University
Newcastle University INTO
Newcastle University London INTO
Northumbria University
University of Nottingham IC
Nottingham Trent University IC
Oxford Brookes University
Queen Mary, University of London ONCAMPUS
Queen's University Belfast INTO
University of Reading ONCAMPUS
Royal Holloway, University of London ISC
Royal Holloway, University of London ONCAMPUS
Royal Veterinary College, University of London ONCAMPUS
University of Salford
The University of Sheffield ISC
Sheffield Hallam University
Southampton University
University of Stirling INTO
University of Strathclyde ISC
University of Sunderland ONCAMPUS
University of Surrey ISC
University of Sussex ISC
University of Westminster IC
University of the West of England, Bristol IC
University of York IC