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[英國大學] University of St Andrews – 大學一年級網上課程 GOYO


 University of St Andrews – 因疫情關係,大學繼續提供大學一年級 Online 課程 (Global Online Year One – GOYO)  – 把握機會入讀英國排名第 3 的頂級學府,立即預約網上面試!

聖安德魯大學 (University of St Andrews) 建校於1413年,是蘇格蘭最古老大學,位於英國蘇格蘭東海岸古鎮聖安德魯斯 (St Andrews) 內。在最新的英國大學 Good University Guide 2022 綜合排名位繼續列位第3名,僅次於劍橋與牛津大學之後。大學亦獲得教學卓越框架TEF Gold 金獎,超過600年的歷史人材輩出,英國劍橋公爵威廉王子和王妃凱特、諾貝爾醫學獎得主詹姆士·W·布拉克爵士(Sir James Black ) 亦是該學的畢業生。

NEW - The Global Online Year One (GOYO) 2020

由於疫情關係,聖安德魯大學 University of St Andrews 繼續年提供全學年 Online 大學學士一年級課程,成功完成課程及成績符合所選學科條件,便可取得 Certificate of Higher Education 的証書及進升大學二年級,應屆 DSE 學生如不想錯過今年9月入讀  St Andrews University ,但又擔心疫情的影響或因怕辦理手續所需時間未能趕上9月開學,此課程 GOYO 是十分理想選擇!   不容錯過!

Global Online Year One is an integrated pre-degree programme designed to give you certainty in uncertain times. Taking a combination of subject-specific first-year classes along with specialist academic skills, GOYO enables you to choose your study location and take classes online for the full 2021-2022 academic year.

Students who successfully progress onto Year 2 of a degree programme at University of St Andrews will be offered a tuition-free place (accommodation not included) on the University's Academic Induction course in summer 2021. This is a two-week residential course for new undergraduate students, designed to provide an extended introduction to student life in St Andrews ahead of orientation week.

開課日期  Course start date:   06/09/2021
截止日期  Application deadline: 更改至 13/8/2021 

對象:  HKDSE, A level, IB 畢業生


1.  致電 22648990 或

2. Whatsapp / Signal 53218628 或 

3. 填妥以下表格 

面試日及升學活動  / 2021-07-13

預先登記 Registration Form

預先登記已結束。如有查詢,請電郵到 [email protected]

Registration is closed for this event. For more information or questions, please email to [email protected].

