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[英國大學] Brunel University London


University of Brunel 入學申請咨詢日

[日期]: 2月24日星期五   
[時間]: 10.30am

[對象] 中六, A level, IB, AD/HD, UG 學生及其家長

Brunel University London
College of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences

該學院由三個部門組成,涵蓋多個學科的生命科學、臨床和健康相關學科。 學院教授和培訓 4000 名學生,擁有約 300 名學術和專業及支持人員。 


  • Advanced Clinical Practice
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Life Sciences
  • Medicine
  • Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
  • Nursing
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physician Associate
  • Physiotherapy
  • Psychology
  • Publich Health and Health Promotion
  • Social Work
  • Sport, Heath & Exercise Sciences

面試日及升學活動  / 2023-02-18

預先登記 Registration Form

預先登記已結束。如有查詢,請電郵到 [email protected]

Registration is closed for this event. For more information or questions, please email to [email protected].

